1 / Guess it's time to start the show

Welcome to the first issue of our newsletter! thunderous round of applause

We get it, there are a lot of newsletters out there. Some good, some bad, many terrible – who's to say that ours is going to be worth it?

Well, we want to be more than just another newsletter for you. Instead, we’re more like a hand-crafted, artisanal digital publication, delivered straight to your inbox every Tuesday.

Our goal is to provide you with a hand-picked selection of apps, articles, and thought-provoking stuff to read, watch, and listen that will help you leverage technology to earn more, spend less, and save time. That said, we’re going to have some fun as well and mix in other compelling, inspirational, and funny material.

So, thanks for joining us, and here’s to a bright future together!

– Nick & Matt

Our picks


Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to work so hard to produce creator content? Well, say hello to flywheels. This great breakdown on what they are and how to set one up really got our wheels turning 😉


Stripe Atlas continues to wow us with their incredible attention to detail – this new feature will save you money and heartbreak the next time you start a company.


Nothing like some fire SEO tips from The Boring Marketer to get your day going. They’ve put together some excellent, easy-to-implement tips on how to boost your SEO performance.

From us

  • We’ve launched our podcast!!! (YouTube, Spotify) Tune in as we explore how SMBs & start-ups can leverage technology to earn more, spend less, and save time.

  • In this week’s blog post, Matt explains how to have better design conversations. A critical skill for anyone building digital products – if you can’t articulate what you want, how can you build it?


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